U7/8 Specific
KC Metro League – Under 6, 7 & 8 Playing Rules
Law I-The Field: Dimensions: The field of play shall be rectangular, its length being not more than 35 yards nor less than 25 yards and its width not more than 25 yards nor less than 15 yards. The length in all cases shall exceed the width. Markings: Distinctive lines not more than 5 inches wide. A halfway line shall be marked out across the field. Corner flags are optional. Goal area: None. Penalty Area: None Goals: The maximum size of goals will be 4 x 6 feet.
Law II-The Ball: Size three (3)
Law III-Number of Players: Maximum number of players on the field at any one time is 4, no Goalkeeper. Minimum number of players to start or continue a game is 3. Maximum number of players on the roster should not exceed 8 players. Substitutions: Anytime ball is out of play with the permission of the Referee. Playing time: Each player should play a minimum of 50% of the total playing time
Law IV-Players Equipment: Players may not wear any item of equipment that may be dangerous to themselves or others. Tennis shoes or soft-cleated soccer shoes are recommended. Shin guards are mandatory.
Law V-The Referee: An official licensed referee will be assigned to each field. Their job is to keep the playing environment FUN, SAFE and focused on the child. Duties are: keep time, enforce the rules, stop and restart play. When you stop play for a foul or other reason, take the time to explain to the players WHY! This is their first experience with soccer and the best time to educate.
Law VI- Assistant Referee: Not used.
Law VII-Duration of the Game: The game shall be divided into 4 equal, ten 10 minute quarters. 5 minute breaks between quarters.
Law VIII-The Start of Play: Conform to FIFA, with the following exception: Opponent must be 10 feet from the center mark while kick-off is in progress. No goal scored directly from a kickoff. Kick off is considered an indirect free kick.
Law IX-Ball In and Out of Play: Conform to FIFA.
Law X-Method of Scoring: Conform to FIFA: Ball must completely cross over goal line and between posts and beneath crossbar to be a goal.
Law XI-Off-Side: There is no offside.
Law XII-Fouls and Misconduct: Conform to FIFA with the following exception: All fouls shall result in an indirect free kick with opponent 10 feet away. The referee must explain ALL infractions to offending player. Deliberate heading is not allowed in 4v4 games. If a player deliberately heads the ball in a game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense.
Law XIII-Free Kicks: Conform to FIFA with the following exception: All free kicks will be indirect. Opponents must be 10 feet away.
Law XI V-Penalty Kicks: There are no Penalty Kicks.
Law XV-Throw-In: Replaced by a Kick-in. Awarded when ball completely crosses sideline. Kick-in is considered as an indirect free kick with the opponent 10 feet away from the ball.
Law XVI-Goal Kick: Conform to FIFA with the following exception: Goal kick should be taken in the general vicinity of the respective goal. Opponents must be 10 feet away from the ball.
Law XVI I-Corner Kick: Conform to FIFA with the following exception: Corner kicks should be taken in the general vicinity of corner. Opponents must be 10 feet away from the ball. Corner Kicks are Indirect Free Kicks.
Law I-The Field: Dimensions: The field of play shall be rectangular, its length being not more than 35 yards nor less than 25 yards and its width not more than 25 yards nor less than 15 yards. The length in all cases shall exceed the width. Markings: Distinctive lines not more than 5 inches wide. A halfway line shall be marked out across the field. Corner flags are optional. Goal area: None. Penalty Area: None Goals: The maximum size of goals will be 4 x 6 feet.
Law II-The Ball: Size three (3)
Law III-Number of Players: Maximum number of players on the field at any one time is 4, no Goalkeeper. Minimum number of players to start or continue a game is 3. Maximum number of players on the roster should not exceed 8 players. Substitutions: Anytime ball is out of play with the permission of the Referee. Playing time: Each player should play a minimum of 50% of the total playing time
Law IV-Players Equipment: Players may not wear any item of equipment that may be dangerous to themselves or others. Tennis shoes or soft-cleated soccer shoes are recommended. Shin guards are mandatory.
Law V-The Referee: An official licensed referee will be assigned to each field. Their job is to keep the playing environment FUN, SAFE and focused on the child. Duties are: keep time, enforce the rules, stop and restart play. When you stop play for a foul or other reason, take the time to explain to the players WHY! This is their first experience with soccer and the best time to educate.
Law VI- Assistant Referee: Not used.
Law VII-Duration of the Game: The game shall be divided into 4 equal, ten 10 minute quarters. 5 minute breaks between quarters.
Law VIII-The Start of Play: Conform to FIFA, with the following exception: Opponent must be 10 feet from the center mark while kick-off is in progress. No goal scored directly from a kickoff. Kick off is considered an indirect free kick.
Law IX-Ball In and Out of Play: Conform to FIFA.
Law X-Method of Scoring: Conform to FIFA: Ball must completely cross over goal line and between posts and beneath crossbar to be a goal.
Law XI-Off-Side: There is no offside.
Law XII-Fouls and Misconduct: Conform to FIFA with the following exception: All fouls shall result in an indirect free kick with opponent 10 feet away. The referee must explain ALL infractions to offending player. Deliberate heading is not allowed in 4v4 games. If a player deliberately heads the ball in a game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense.
Law XIII-Free Kicks: Conform to FIFA with the following exception: All free kicks will be indirect. Opponents must be 10 feet away.
Law XI V-Penalty Kicks: There are no Penalty Kicks.
Law XV-Throw-In: Replaced by a Kick-in. Awarded when ball completely crosses sideline. Kick-in is considered as an indirect free kick with the opponent 10 feet away from the ball.
Law XVI-Goal Kick: Conform to FIFA with the following exception: Goal kick should be taken in the general vicinity of the respective goal. Opponents must be 10 feet away from the ball.
Law XVI I-Corner Kick: Conform to FIFA with the following exception: Corner kicks should be taken in the general vicinity of corner. Opponents must be 10 feet away from the ball. Corner Kicks are Indirect Free Kicks.